Looking for a little inspiration?

Looking for a little inspiration?

Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes all we need is a little inspiration. Or sometimes we just want to be inspired by what others have done. I often turn to books for inspiration or to the wonderful and supportive people around me. Living a life that inspires...

I’m on a train but I don’t know where it’s going!

You are setting off on the most important journey of your life! Your bags are packed, you’ve got everything you need. You know it’s going to be long and you’re prepared for that. It might be bumpy at times but you know it’s also going to be fantastic too. You get to...

The person behind the voice people hear everyday

Here’s the guest blog I wrote for Virgin Media about getting the job for them. I’ve been recording the telephone voice for Virgin Media for 7 years now! In this blog I share with you how I got the job – The person behind the voice people hear...