Entrepreneur of the Month!

Entrepreneur of the Month!

I am very pleased to have won Entrepreneur of the Month for London and Essex in April 2014. Here is a picture of me collecting my award – I’m incredibley proud of this award as I have worked very hard recently! Watch this space as there is a lot more...
Why I love being a voiceover artist

Why I love being a voiceover artist

Here is the guest blog I wrote for actingbab.com . To read the original post please go here – Why I love being a voiceover artist   Do you remember that kid at school who was always getting in trouble for talking too much? Every report they ever had said...
Why I love to run in the rain!

Why I love to run in the rain!

I’d like to start with that fact that I haven’t been running for long. I mean running regularly. I’m no expert at running and I’m not very fast. I’ve always been more of a long distance runner anyway. And I’d also like to add that I have like a lot of people a very...